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My Journey as a Karis Alumni: Experience & Reflections

My experience as a Karis Alumni Member

Since leaving Karis as a resident in November of 2011, I re-engaged myself with Karis Community through their Alumni Group. At that time, Dan Jensen was the main Alumni contact, and he organized activities for interested and participating alums to engage in activities outside of Karis. Over the years, when Dan was running the group, we have been to numerous outings, such as movies and Colorado Rockies games at Coors Field. We also engaged in monthly Alumni Groups in the gallery at Karis, where one could often get support for struggles they may be going through or share ideas with others of Karis’ Alumni that would assist others in many daily activities. To be specific, we would have discussions if we knew of a program those with mental disabilities could benefit from OR even a way one could help another with struggles that can often come around those who struggle with any of the different mental struggles an alum of Karis still can experience on a daily basis.  

Then, as times changed, as they often do, Dan Jensen moved back to his native state of Minnesota, and Sarah Scott took over the Karis Alumni Group. The transition was easy for me and other alumni members, as Sarah was already a Karis staff member and almost immediately was put as head of the Alumni Group. Our monthly meetings became weekly; one would still be held in person at the Karis Gallery, and the other Saturdays would be held in the Zoom meeting format online. This was an extremely beneficial idea by Sarah during the Covid period, when the whole world had to adjust their daily activities. Of course, the monthly meetings in the Karis Gallery were postponed, but we stayed close over the Zoom Chat feature we all had on our phones, tablets, iPads, and/or personal computers.

I truly believe the strength we all experienced by being a part of the Karis Alumni group became stronger during the COVID pandemic due to weekly check-ins via Zoom chat.  I believe the camaraderie we set forth prior to the pandemic with weekly meetings kept the majority of us healthy mentally as we were all doing our best to stay healthy physically as well. I engage in these meetings with great peace of mind and satisfaction. I know I have and will continue to benefit from them for many years to come.  

Thank you,  
Mark Taht, Alumni Group

At Karis, we understand that recovery is not a linear journey and are dedicated to providing necessary support even after completing the program. The Alumni Group offers weekly support meetings facilitated by one of Karis’s Peer Support Specialists. Alums can also meet with the Executive Director or the Program Manager for individual check-ins and ongoing or as-needed case management support. 

Contact us at or 303-355-5546 for more information.

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